well it has been along time since i have done a blog so i wanted to make sure i took the time out to fill everyone in.
It was funny. i was listening to my ipod on the way home from rehearsal today . The playlist i was listening to was from around 6 months ago, when i was traveling back and forth from sarnia to toronto for Highschool musical shows and rehearsals with my band for the tim mcgraw concert. Never in a million years would i have thought at that point that i would be listening to the same playlist is osaka, japan only a few months later.
it was like having an old friend with me and made me a little less homesick.
anywayssssssss rehearsals are going so great! the choreo is all done and now i can just spend time getting it in my head!
I'm not a trained dancer so this has been kinda tough for me but its a really great feeling when you actually get it down!
Other than that i just cant wait for the show to open and to start doing this show for an audience! WOO!
ok well thats about it for now. here are some new pics! More to come later!
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