I'll miss the smell of my favourite "Presidents Choice- Great Canadian" coffee brewing in the morning
I'll miss watching Ellen and Road to Avonlea everymorning with my mommy while we do our makeup in the living room.
I'll miss watching hours of CSI with Timothy
I'll miss watching cartoons and Disney movies with my little sister.
I'll miss going for long walks with my Daddy talking about the most random and yet philosophical things in the world.
I'll miss Myriah making fun of me
I'll miss TIM HORTON's COFFEE, and the really awkward man-boy that serves me my large double milk one sweetner with a straw coffee, that my dad was mean to because he made him yucky coffee but then apologized to the next day.
I'll miss watching my kitty chase my bunny around and pinning her down . and then yelling at my kitty and comforting my poor bunny.
I'll miss highway 401 and 402. more specifically driving down it with a yummy coffee knowing it will lead to somewhere really fun with someone i love.
I'll miss getting ready and rushing out the door at the last minute to get to church every Sunday. And then getting there late, and having to walk to the 3rd pew from the front because my mother insists on sitting there, and then everyone watches us walk in late, as well as hear us because the Roebuck girls always wear loud jewlery.
I'll miss playing the guitar with my Grampy, and listening to him sing.
I'll miss fake fainting and making Timothy catch me when he least expects it. WHAT IF NOONE CATCHES ME IN JAPAN????
I'll miss the coforting glow of chemical valley in the distance, hehe
I'll miss all sorts of things, but these are the things that i am really thinking of right now.
well the csi shout out just made my day :) hehe (watching it right now actually haha) .. good luck kira and have FUN!!